Harley Quinn Live Broadcast

Broadcast Yourself Through Android

I previously created a “HiddenLiveCamera” library for Android. In Github, I’ve received an issue by geminird indicating that phone no responded. I described the reason and geminird asked for live audio stream.

In another post, I’ve wrote about broadcasting media files (such as mp3) using Mixxx and IceCast. In this post, I’ve write about my library and how to use it in Android projects in order to publish stream from Android. The code of the library is grabbed from CoolMic.


Connecting to Hidden Mail Server

In the previous post, I’ve talked about configuring a hidden email server using hMailServer. In this post I will talk about how to access this hidden Email server. I’m using ThunderBird as email client, tajbakhsh.fake as the fake domain of email server (and accounts), two users ([email protected] and [email protected]).

During all the processes, I assume that the email server is configured as previous post and client has access to the TOR network.

Onion hMailServer

Configuring a Hidden Email Server

In this post, I will talk about configuring an Email server which is accessible using TOR. Using TOR will make its IP to be hidden, also accessible if it is behind NAT (inside a home computer without a public IP). But the main question is why one should use this kind of scenario?

Many people may not trust messaging services such as Telegram or WhatsApp but want to have their own private communication system. In this tutorial, you can run your own mail server in your home LAN and access it through Internet without spending money for public IP or VPS.

For the email server part, I will use hMailServer, an open source email server developed for windows.