In the previous post, I’ve talked about configuring a hidden email server using hMailServer. In this post I will talk about how to access this hidden Email server. I’m using ThunderBird as email client, tajbakhsh.fake as the fake domain of email server (and accounts), two users ([email protected] and [email protected]).
During all the processes, I assume that the email server is configured as previous post and client has access to the TOR network.
Installing ThunderBird
ThunderBird installation is straight forward. Just download the binary from ThunderBird and start installation process. The next step is the installation of TorBirdy addon for ThunderBird which allows to tunnel the traffic of ThunderBird through a SOCKS proxy. The installation steps are depicted in the following pictures:
If you need further information about addon installation process, please refer to Mozillazine.
Configuring Addresses
After installing TorBirdy and adding a new email address, you should configure the correct onion addresses for the ThunderBird from Tools -> Accounts section. For the IMAP and SMTP section, add the onion address of the hidden email server which is generated previously.
If you want to more configure TorBirdy, just click the Green text in the right (below) corner of the ThunderBird.
at the end, Connecting to The Hidden Email Server
After setting the onion addresses, the connection process can be start by just clicking Inbox icon in the newly configured email address.
Same process should be taken to send an email. Beside, I took hMailServer logs beside ThunderBird to show the connection logs inside hMailServer.