Catch the CORS Write Up!

Offsec is an Iranian computer security group which holds conferences or CTFs in the computer security area. In their recent challenge, they created a web challenge which is accessible through offsecmag Telegram channel. The challenge started on 16 Dec 2016 and here I will WRITE UP! 🙂

From: https://orig00.deviantart.net/2c10/f/2014/227/3/0/ctf__capture_the_flag____logo_by_doppleredm-d7v8iyz.jpg

In this post, the write up of the challenge is presented.

Onion Harvester: First step to TOR Search Engines

Knowing all possible web paths in the world is the initial step for making a search engine (SE). By means of  SE one can analyze the web for the material he/she likes. In normal Domain Name System, each TLD provider (Top Level Domain) can sell or release list of all its domains. As an example .com TLD can sell or release all the domains which are end with “.com“. But the problem is more complicated in TOR (or other hidden service providers). In this post I will talk about my tool named Onion Harvester and how to find initial points for finding hidden services to be crawled.

TOR Network
TOR Network

Apache + Yarn + Spark: Play with Twitter data!

Apache + Yarn + Spark: Play with Twitter data!

In this tutorial I want to write about using Apache Spark on Ubuntu machines where you can develop big data analysis apps with it.

First of all, I want to write a small and quick introduction to Hadoop + Spark environment. Hadoop makes it possible to work with lots of computers in a cluster. Work can be: storing files in cluster (HDFS – Hadoop Distributed File System), storing database in cluster (Apache HBase), or run software in cluster (MapReduce, Spark).