This the second and final writeup of Android challenges which was given in 8st Sharif CTF. I’ve wrote about the team and place in the 8st SharifCTF Android WriteUps: Vol I. The writeup begins …

Installing Skeleton
Just like any other question, I’ve installed the app to look what it is like. The virtual device was a API19 Android emulator. As you see, the skeleton laughs at me!

And there is no other activity, button, request location, etc. appeared in the app. I should mention that this question was in MISC section.
Looking The Code
I followed the instructions inĀ 8st SharifCTF Android WriteUps: Vol I post to investigate inside the source code of the app. Again JD GUI, Dex2Jar and APK Tool helped me.

The app has only MainActivity and inside, it loads a Scalable Vector Graphics image into the web view. SVG images are built on vectors, therefore they can be zoomed in and zoomed out without loosing the quality.
The best editor I know for editing SVG images, is Ink Scape.
The only attack vector (if I can say) available was the SVG image. I started to investigate the SVG. Using APK Tool, I extracted the logo.svg file.
SVG Structure
SVG images are mark up files just as HTML or XML in which vectors are defined. So, I opened the logo.svg with a text editor.

As I taught, InkScape was used to make (or edit) the Skeleton.
The Writeup
I investigated more on the markup and found an interesting point. There are two graphics inside the image: one with the id layer1 and the other is text4146.

But we only see one graphics: the skeleton with some paths. The other graphics text4146 is suspicious. Therefore, I opened logo.svg with InkScape.

By moving the laughing skeleton, I’ve found text4146.

Voila, by zooming the text4146, flag is visible.

The flag is:

Have fun!