Apache + Yarn + Spark: Play with Twitter data!

Apache + Yarn + Spark: Play with Twitter data!

In this tutorial I want to write about using Apache Spark on Ubuntu machines where you can develop big data analysis apps with it.

First of all, I want to write a small and quick introduction to Hadoop + Spark environment. Hadoop makes it possible to work with lots of computers in a cluster. Work can be: storing files in cluster (HDFS – Hadoop Distributed File System), storing database in cluster (Apache HBase), or run software in cluster (MapReduce, Spark).

Smali Code Injection

Smali Code Injection

In this post I wanted to demonstrate a simple code injection example in Android. As indicated in previous  posts about reversing java, the method of code execution is same in Android. Whereas Java, the BYTE CODE are SMALI codes here and the executor is Dalvik (recently ART) in Android (not JVM). Here in this post, I will describe shortly how to reverse and inject code in SMALI.

Installing Kali Linux on USB with VirtualBox

Installing Kali Linux on USB with VirtualBox

I like to play with VirtualBox. So in this post I will show you how to install Kali Linux on a USB disk with VirtualBox which can be run both on VirtualBox and directly bootable.


Every change you made with VirtualBox (or direct access) will be stored on USB and can be accessed with Direct Access (or VirtualBox). It is awesome to use VirtualBox when you want to work beside another OS. And also awesome when you want to boot directly from Physical Computer.

How to turn your TV to Media Center

How to turn your TV to Media Center

You may be like to collect and watch movies, TV series, or music archives. Then you have to store them in your storage ([External] Hard drives, NAS, …) and use some software to manage them.

However the scenario sounds good but there are other great ways to turn your home network to a full capable media center. Read more to learn how to configure and change your home network to media center.
