Sharif CTF 13

8st SharifCTF Android WriteUps: Vol I

Barnamak WriteUp

Two weeks ago, SharifCTF was hold and the questions were acceptable. We attended with CGU team name and and gain the 44th place among the 682 attended teams, whom has at least one question solved in the CTF. In this post I described the writeup for the question about reverse engineering of Android app with 200 points (the 3rd question of reverse section).

Sharif CTF 1
Sharif CTF 1

Catch the CORS Write Up!

Offsec is an Iranian computer security group which holds conferences or CTFs in the computer security area. In their recent challenge, they created a web challenge which is accessible through offsecmag Telegram channel. The challenge started on 16 Dec 2016 and here I will WRITE UP! 🙂


In this post, the write up of the challenge is presented.

Onion Harvester: First step to TOR Search Engines

Knowing all possible web paths in the world is the initial step for making a search engine (SE). By means of  SE one can analyze the web for the material he/she likes. In normal Domain Name System, each TLD provider (Top Level Domain) can sell or release list of all its domains. As an example .com TLD can sell or release all the domains which are end with “.com“. But the problem is more complicated in TOR (or other hidden service providers). In this post I will talk about my tool named Onion Harvester and how to find initial points for finding hidden services to be crawled.

TOR Network
TOR Network
Introduction to Cryptography and PGP 1

“Introduction to Cryptography and PGP” Workshop

I have a workshop titled “Introduction to Cryptography and PGP” at Urmia University of Technology. I talked about basic concepts of signature and encryption using asymmetric cryptography. Then I talked about PGP which is one of the main usages of this system. I followed the workshop with configuring Thunderbird and GPG4win for applying PGP in Email system. You may find the contents in my previous post about GPG in Thunderbird and the way PGP works.

The pictures of this session is here.

IoT Smart Home

Control your home IoT

By means of IoT lots of things can be connected and controlled by Internet such as smart homes. In this small tutorial I will discuss about personal smart home solutions and how to remotely control them. In small word “Control your Home IoT System over TOR” 🙂

IVRE! Drunk Frenchman Port Scanner Framework!

IVRE! Drunk Frenchman Port Scanner Framework!

You may have visit SHODAN (The IoT search engine) or ZoomEye (World Wide Port Search Engine). The systems are very useful to have a good view of world! 🙂

But they have restriction for seeing results. For example SHODAN lets for unregistered users to view just 1 page (10 results). If you registered, the limitation is 5 pages. But again restriction!

So what to do?